We hear this continual false claim that Trump “lies” multiple times each and every day. Of course, the people keeping “score” are the hard-left leaning websites set up to fool everyone with cool-sounding names like “Politifact” and “FactCheck”….but each is a monitoring service from a far left publication.
But what is the truth?
Let’s break it down to something really, really simple. Let’s look at what claims Barack Obama ran on in 2008/2012 and what Donald Trump ran on in 2016. Here are the big issues:
IMMIGRATION – Barack Obama promised the Hispanic community that upon being elected, his first order of business was to pass comprehensive immigration reform. Despite the fact Obama had super-majorities in both the Senate and the House, he did not a thing to move any immigration reform. Trump promised he would build the wall and tighten up security on the border. While the wall is not built – yet – ICE has increased deportations and the border has been tightened with additional judges added to deport more persons crossing illegally. SCORECARD – OBAMA LIE, TRUMP – INCOMPLETE WHILE WE AWAIT THE WALL ISSUE TO BE RESOLVED.
HEALTHCARE – Obama promised during the campaign that he would not support Government health-care. Socialized medicine would never happen during his Presidency, said Obama. Upon entering office, after passing the wasteful and useless “stimulus” bill, Obama thrust himself headlong into passing socialized medicine. Trump said he would dump “Obamacare” and was short-circuited by his own party. Yet, with the repeal of the Individual Mandate, “Obamacare” is in a death spiral it will not survive. SCORECARD -OBAMA LIE, TRUMP – TRUTH
DEFICITS/TAXES – Obama railed against Bush calling his increasing the deficit by $5 Trillion to be “Unpatriotic” and “irresponsible”…and then Obama spent enough money to increase the deficit by $10Trillion dollars. Trump ran on passing tax cuts and a market-based stimulus program leading to growth that would allow us to start reducing the deficit. While the result of the tax cuts are showing great promise, the impact on the deficit is still unknown. SCORECARD – OBAMA LIE, TRUMP – INCOMPLETE BUT TRENDING TOWARD TRUTH.
MISCELLANEOUS – Let us add that Trump talked about nominating Conservative Judges, reducing regulation and getting tough on rogue regimes world-wide and even our allies if they weren’t pulling their weight (see NATO spending) while Obama talked about sensible regulations (then added more pages to the national registry than any four Presidents combined), drew red lines in the sand he then abandoned and, upon the selling of “Obamacare”, made numerous knowingly false statements about rate reductions, keeping your doctors, etc. SCORECARD – OBAMA LIES, TRUMP – TRUTHS.
The “Truth” is a bitter fact to swallow for the left and they use their number one tactic to avoid talking about it:
But America is catching on, and the future is much brighter for the Republicans as we move down the road.